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項目組長 二十一級
1樓 發表于:2024-3-24 00:54
A PhD in Chemistry will give you an opportunity to devote up to four years conducting full-time research, addressing real-world problems in an area of your choice. Find a supervisor in the tab below and let us know what areas you would like to research. You write up a thesis at the end of your studies. In some cases, the project may be carried out in collaboration with an external sponsor, for example industry. Warwick offers comprehensive training in transferable skills, access to taught modules, and a supportive research environment.
To contact the department directly with any questions please email chem-postgraduate@warwick.ac.uk.
項目組長 二十一級
2樓 發表于:2024-3-24 00:54
General entry requirements

Minimum requirements

2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry or a related subject.

English language requirements

You can find out more about our English language requirements

This course requires the following:
Band A
IELTS overall score of 6.5, minimum component scores not below 6.0.

項目組長 二十一級
3樓 發表于:2024-3-24 00:55
Warwick CDT in Analytical Science

A new generation of Analytical ScientistsWith the world-leading facilities and expertise in Analytical Science at Warwick and partner external facilities (e.g. Diamond, ILL, ISIS) at their disposal, our students will graduate with a unique combination of skills in exploiting synergies between different experimental methods, e.g., diffraction, electrochemistry, mass spectrometry, microscopy and NMR, and in harnessing the power of combining data collection with experimental design, statistical analysis and simulation. Training will be delivered from across physical sciences, engineering and manufacturing, statistics, life and medical sciences in close partnership with industry, with research areas including pharmaceuticals, agro-chemicals and additives, soft matter, biological systems, energy and functional materials.

The core principles of the CDT are:

▲ World-leading Analytical Science expertise and infrastructure for delivering high quality research where experiment is linked with statistics and theory-based design and interpretation
▲ Problem-driven advances across agro- and speciality chemicals, materials, pharmaceuticals, health and personal care
▲ An established integrative and cross-disciplinary research environment for delivering PhD training
▲ Rapid technology-transfer between academia and industry
▲ Catalysis of academia-industry and industry-industry collaborations

Options for study

▲ Students have a choice of studying in the 1 + 3 MSc + PhD format (with PhD project choice during the MSc), or integrated training offered during a 4-year PhD with PG certificate in Analytical Science, with selection of a specific advertised project (current such projects are advertised here)
▲ Multidisciplinary projects and modules - spanning experiment and quantitation
▲ Strong industrial links
▲ Significant emphasis on transferable skills, team-building, communication of science, decision-making, leadership, ethics, research proposals, careers
▲ Fostering a research and training community

PhD projects in this CDT are focused on experimental Analytical Science. There are complementary PhD possibilities focusing on simulation and modelling available in the HetSys CDT

項目組長 二十一級
4樓 發表于:2024-3-24 00:56
HetSys CDT
HetSys is an EPSRC-supported Centre for Doctoral Training. It recruits enthusiastic students from across physical sciences, mathematics and engineering who enjoy using their mathematical skills and thinking flexibly to solve complex problems. By developing these skills HetSys trains people to challenge current state-of-the-art in computational modelling of heterogeneous, ‘real world’ systems across a range of research themes such as nanoscale devices, new catalysts, superalloys, smart fluids, space plasmas etc.
HetSys is built around a closely knit, highly collaborative team of academics from five science departments at Warwick with a strong track record in leading large projects. With its project partners HetSys develops talented, energetic PhD students to push boundaries in this exciting field. The students have the potential to inspire new ideas, approaches and innovation and become future leaders in developing new technologies. HetSys builds on Warwick's cross-departmental scientific computing research community and the Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling.
Read more about the HetSys training programme. 

Applications for PhD projects starting in Autumn 2024 are now accepted. Please visit our Project Opportunities page for further details. For further guidance on how to apply, student funding, life in the HetSys CDT and the HetSys training programme, please visit the Study with Us page.
項目組長 二十一級
5樓 發表于:2024-3-24 00:59
The IBR Programme
Our 4-year fully funded MRC DTP programme in Interdisciplinary Biomedical Research (IBR) will train you across the disciplines of life and physical sciences.
Students undertake a 1-year MSc course which combines taught modules and lab-based research projects, followed by a 3-year interdisciplinary PhD project, which can be co-designed by the student. The focus of PhD research is detecting, understanding and improving human health in one of the following three research themes:
Combating Infection
Molecular Basis of Human Disease
Precision Diagnostics and Data Analytics

項目組長 二十一級
6樓 發表于:2024-3-24 01:00
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA)
The Central England NERC Training Alliance (CENTA), is a consortium of research intensive Universities and research institutes that are working together to provide excellence in doctoral research training. 
CENTA encompasses research activities within three broad themes:
Climate and Environmental Sustainability
Organisms and Ecosystems
Dynamic Earth
These themes cut across about 20 academic departments, within the 6 universities, as well as the 4 NERC research organisations involved. This reflects both the multidisciplinary nature and excellence of our research and the high numbers of researchers in central England who span the breadth of the NERC remit. A critical mass of researchers in close geographic proximity is one of our great strengths. It facilitates shared access to facilities and training and helps to build a strong cohort identity. Training in CENTA2 is supported systematically by end-users from industry to non-governmental organisations and governmental agencies.

項目組長 二十一級
7樓 發表于:2024-3-24 01:01
MIBTP is a BBSRC funded Doctoral Training Partnership between the universities of Aston, Birmingham, Harper Adams, Leicester and Warwick.The MIBTP has an ambitious vision to deliver innovative, world class research across the Life Sciences to boost the growing Bioeconomy in the Midlands and across the UK.
PhD Studentship projects are focused in vital research areas such as Sustainable Agriculture and Food, Understanding the Rules of Life, Renewable Resources and Clean Growth and Integrated Understanding of Health and use interdisciplinary and quantitative approaches to biology. Students from a wide diversity of academic backgrounds are encouraged to apply: those with creative drive in both theoretical disciplines (for example, maths, computer science, statistics) as well as experimental science (for example, biology, biomedicine, chemistry, biotechnology).
Studentships include: fees (cost of UK fee rate), a tax free annual stipend, a travel allowance in year 1, a travel / conference budget, a generous consumables budget and use of a MacBook Pro for the duration of the programme.
MIBTP is jointly funded by the BBSRC and the universities of Aston, Birmingham, Harper Adams, Leicester and Warwick.
Our students have come to us via a variety of pathways; many straight from their UG education, others returning to study after a period in the workplace. We also boast a diverse cohort of students from all around the world, including Italy, Greece, Nigeria, Brazil, Ireland and the UK. Take a look at our student profiles to find out more.



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