PHP的pspell庫可以對西班牙語單詞的拼寫進行檢查 |
一派護法 十九級 |
首先,需要安裝西班牙語字典: sudo yum install aspell-es
在fedora上安裝: [octopus@pc3 ~]$ sudo yum install aspell-es [sudo] password for octopus: Loaded plugins: langpacks Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package aspell-es.x86_64 50:1.11-8.fc21 will be installed --> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
================================================================================ Package Arch Version Repository Size ================================================================================ Installing: aspell-es x86_64 50:1.11-8.fc21 fedora 503 k
Transaction Summary ================================================================================ Install 1 Package
Total download size: 503 k Installed size: 1.4 M Is this ok [y/d/N]: y Downloading packages: aspell-es-1.11-8.fc21.x86_64.rpm | 503 kB 00:00 Running transaction check Running transaction test Transaction test succeeded Running transaction (shutdown inhibited) Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum. ** Found 3 pre-existing rpmdb problem(s), 'yum check' output follows: maxthon-browser-stable- has missing requires of libgcrypt.so.11()(64bit) mysql-workbench-5.2.47-2.fc19.x86_64 has missing requires of libctemplate.so.2()(64bit) wps-office- has missing requires of libmng.so.1 Installing : 50:aspell-es-1.11-8.fc21.x86_64 1/1 Verifying : 50:aspell-es-1.11-8.fc21.x86_64 1/1
Installed: aspell-es.x86_64 50:1.11-8.fc21
Complete! [octopus@pc3 ~]$ sudo service httpd restart Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service [octopus@pc3 ~]$
一派護法 十九級 |
程序代碼: <?php header("content-type:text/html;charset=western"); $pspell_link = pspell_new("es");
$words = array("sabado", "papa", "miecoles", "nules", "poca", "ustedes", "hablamos", "contemos", "aprender", "Septiembre", "November"); foreach ($words as $word) { if (!pspell_check($pspell_link, $word)) { $suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, $word); echo "Word <b>{$word}</b> isn't spelled correctly.<br>"; echo "<b>Suggestions: </b>"; echo join("<br>", $suggestions); echo "<br><br>"; } else { echo "Word <b>{$word}</b> is spelled correctly.<br>"; } } ?>
一派護法 十九級 |
運行結果: Word sabado isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: sábado sabido sobado sanado abado sabed sobad habado sacado sajado salado sabida sobada subido
Word papa is spelled correctly. Word miecoles isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: miércoles méceles mociles macolles mieles recoles micelios mécelos macules mécelas macelos mizcales mezcles mueles mirles nicles coles meces mecos micos miles moles mecedles mecerles mezcales muelles macollas macúlese melles mielas méeles cicles
Word nules isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: nulas nulos nieles nubles anules hules nubes pules rules tules blues nielas nicles nula únales úneles anuales les nobles nublas nublos nulo anales anulas ánulas ánulos lunes
Word poca is spelled correctly. Word ustedes is spelled correctly. Word hablamos is spelled correctly. Word contemos is spelled correctly. Word aprender is spelled correctly. Word Septiembre is spelled correctly. Word November isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: Noviembre Nombre Nombré Nombra Nombro Nombró Nimbar Novelera Novelero Nimbare Novelare Nombren Nombres Nombrar Novelar Novemos Nimbe Hombre
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
Word Agosto is spelled correctly. Word August isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: Augusta Augusto Agosta Agoste Agosto Agosté Agostó Augustas Augustos Augita Gusta Gusto Agustín Aguosa Aguoso
Word esta is spelled correctly. Word estemos is spelled correctly. Word tendre isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: tendré tender tenderé tendrá tendera tendero tenderá tendiere tendría cendre tundra
Word mayo is spelled correctly. Word hulio isn't spelled correctly. Suggestions: helio hilo hiló huelo julio huello halo hule tulio hallo heleo holeo hulla hielo hila hile hilé huido huiro huela huele quilo helios huelgo hulero hálito chulo
一派護法 十九級 |
在該程序中,“八月”的英文拼寫方法August被判爲拼寫錯誤,而西班牙語拼寫方法Agosto被判爲正確。 單詞“tendre“因爲少了個重音符號所以被判爲拼寫錯誤。tendré,其中拼寫建議中也有 tendrá,這個是tener第三人稱單數一般將來時態的變位。
一派護法 十九級 |