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American Accent分析报告
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2013-4-26 23:36
Now that you’ve take the AAT Online
Analysis, it’s time for the next step in your
accent training. American Accent Training
Teletutoring Program classes are private,
one-on-one weekly phone sessions (similar
format as the Analysis) scheduled at the
student’s convenience and based upon the
text American Accent Training, Second
Edition. All American Accent Training
Instructors are trained and certified by AAT
and have a Masters Degree or better in the
areas of Linguistics, English,
Communications or related field.
The focus of this program is to standardize
the communication patterns of non-native
speakers with emphasis on intonation,
liaisons, voice quality, vowel duration, and
pronunciation. AAT pinpoints the student’s
areas of challenge with the AAT Diagnostic
Accent Analysis and modifies those speech
patterns to standard American spoken
English. The instructor-led program is
augmented by a state-of-the-art online
accent program that facilitates progress.
Additionally, the student leaves a voice
recording once every four classes to allow
review of progress.
The methodology of AAT is backed up with
25 years of expertise in the industry and
nationwide system of instructors trained by
AAT. AAT is always in the forefront of
research & development when it comes to
applied linguistics as it pertains to
American spoken English. AAT is the
industry standard for American accent
Start with the American Accent Training
Diagnostic Accent Analysis, which assists
you in determining exactly what you need
to do in your quest for a standard American
accent. This is an excellent and inexpensive
way to see if AAT is the American accent
company for you.
The cost of the Diagnostic Accent Analysis
is only $100. For that one low cost, you
receive so much material:
· You get access to an amazing Online
Accent Analysis that determines your
capacity to distinguish typical American
sounds. It's fun and informative! This
innovative computer program is
stimulating, educational and very user-
2楼 发表于:2013-4-30 15:57


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