$broker = enchant_broker_init();
$dictionaries = enchant_broker_list_dicts($broker);
echo "This server provides the following dictionaries:<br>";
$ar = array();
foreach ($dictionaries as $dictionary) {
array_push($ar, $dictionary["lang_tag"]);
echo join(",", $ar);
echo "<hr>";
$words = array("calender", "roll", "specially", "hasband", "stuff", "staff", "hablar", "carbeza", "dolor", "tengo", "tener", "ser", "estoy", "de", "muchacha", "mucho", "llamo", "kilo", "infinitivo", "cultura", "nada", "cama", "hasta", "papa", "mama", "lentes", "leche", "idioma", "finito", "usted", "ustedes", "yo", "ella", "nosotros", "vosotros", "ellos", "ellas", "contamos", "connex", "connection", "disambigration", "somos", "days", "domingo", "lunes", "vertes", "enero", "septiembre", "octubre", "noviember", "paitent", "september", "November", "January", "April", "abril", "timid");
$languages = array("en_US", "es");
foreach ($languages as $language) {
echo "<h3>For $language:</h3>";
if (enchant_broker_dict_exists($broker, $language)) {
$dictionary = enchant_broker_request_dict($broker, $language);
foreach ($words as $word) {
if (enchant_dict_check($dictionary, $word)) {
echo "Word '$word' is spelled correctly.<br>";
} else {
echo "<b>Word '$word' is spelled incorrectly.</b><br>";
$suggestions = enchant_dict_suggest($dictionary, $word);
echo "<span style=\"color:green\">" . join(", ", $suggestions) . "</span><br>";
} else {
echo "Dictionary '$language' doesn't exist.<br>";
This server provides the following dictionaries:
en_USFor en_US:Word 'calender' is spelled incorrectly.
calendar, ca lender, ca-lender, lender, candler, Calder, caldera
Word 'roll' is spelled correctly.
Word 'specially' is spelled correctly.
Word 'hasband' is spelled incorrectly.
hatband, husband, has band, has-band, hairband
Word 'stuff' is spelled correctly.
Word 'staff' is spelled correctly.
Word 'hablar' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'carbeza' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'dolor' is spelled correctly.
Word 'tengo' is spelled incorrectly.
tango, ten go, ten-go, gotten
Word 'tener' is spelled incorrectly.
tenet, tenser, tenner, tender, enter, tenor, toner, tuner, ten er, ten-er, terrine, tern
Word 'ser' is spelled incorrectly.
tier, res, see, set, er, sere, seer, sear, user, serf, sir, sea, sen, sec, per
Word 'estoy' is spelled incorrectly.
es toy, es-toy, Tolstoy
Word 'de' is spelled incorrectly.
DE, ed, d, e, die, den, doe, ode, due, deg, deb, dye, def, dew, re
Word 'muchacha' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'mucho' is spelled incorrectly.
much, macho, much o, mucous
Word 'llamo' is spelled incorrectly.
llano, llama, Alamo
Word 'kilo' is spelled correctly.
Word 'infinitivo' is spelled incorrectly.
infinitive, infinitival
Word 'cultura' is spelled incorrectly.
cultural, culture
Word 'nada' is spelled incorrectly.
Dada, Canada, Adana, Adan
Word 'cama' is spelled incorrectly.
cams, cam, came, coma, lama, mama, camp, Rama, Gama, Kama, ca ma, ca-ma, cam a, CAM
Word 'hasta' is spelled incorrectly.
hast, Shasta, haste, pasta, hasty, has ta, has-ta, hast a, Tasha, stash
Word 'papa' is spelled correctly.
Word 'mama' is spelled correctly.
Word 'lentes' is spelled incorrectly.
lenses, lent es, lent-es, Lents, gentles, tentacles, lent
Word 'leche' is spelled incorrectly.
lech, leches, lecher, leched, leech, lech e, heckle
Word 'idioma' is spelled incorrectly.
idioms, idiom, idiom a
Word 'finito' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'usted' is spelled incorrectly.
used, rusted, ousted, lusted, dusted, gusted, busted, us ted, us-ted, tested, stetted, steed
Word 'ustedes' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'yo' is spelled correctly.
Word 'ella' is spelled incorrectly.
Ella, ells, ell, fella, Della, Bella, ell a
Word 'nosotros' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'vosotros' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'ellos' is spelled incorrectly.
ells, cellos, hellos, ell's, jellos
Word 'ellas' is spelled incorrectly.
ells, fellas, ell's, ell as, ell-as, paellas, Ascella, Ella, Aspell
Word 'contamos' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'connex' is spelled incorrectly.
conned, convex, cone
Word 'connection' is spelled correctly.
Word 'disambigration' is spelled incorrectly.
disambiguation, disintegration
Word 'somos' is spelled incorrectly.
solos, homos, so mos, so-mos, bosom
Word 'days' is spelled correctly.
Word 'domingo' is spelled incorrectly.
Domingo, doming, domino, dooming, doming o
Word 'lunes' is spelled incorrectly.
lines, lubes, lunges, lanes, lures, runes, lutes, tunes, dunes, lungs, luges, lunches
Word 'vertes' is spelled incorrectly.
verses, verges, vertexes, vertices
Word 'enero' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'septiembre' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'octubre' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'noviember' is spelled incorrectly.
November, nonmember
Word 'paitent' is spelled incorrectly.
patient, patent, penitent, painted, painter, paint
Word 'september' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'November' is spelled correctly.
Word 'January' is spelled correctly.
Word 'April' is spelled correctly.
Word 'abril' is spelled incorrectly.
Word 'timid' is spelled correctly.
For es:Dictionary 'es' doesn't exist.