今天butterfly spanish频道的最新视频---Me gusta - "to like" in Spanish
1樓 巨大八爪鱼 2015-2-12 22:29
2樓 巨大八爪鱼 2015-2-12 22:30
Published on Feb 11, 2015I like to teach you Spanish. Me gusta enseñarte español, and that is why I want you to watch this video. I will teach you many many muchas formas, ways, to say "I like it" in Spanish (Me gusta en español). This Spanish lesson is very practical because you will learn the uses of the verb "gustar", and many other common Spanish phrases that use this Spanish verb. You will also learn about Spanish cats, dogs, love, joy, fun in Spanish. You will also get a chance to meet Frodot in the next lesson. And before I forget, tell me if you liked my lesson, but if you did not like it, mmmmmm, well get a psicólogo.
3樓 巨大八爪鱼 2015-2-13 11:12


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