[IE8/IE9]Place the Menu Bar Above the Address Bar
1樓 125.67.138.* 2013-6-5 14:22

If you use Firefox, then you are used to the menu bar being placed above the address bar, however Internet Explorer 8 and 9 place it below the Address Bar. You can move it by using a simple registry hack.

This tech-recipe will move your Menu Bar from this:

to this:

1. Open up Notepad (or right-click the desktop, mouseover New and select Text Document).
2. Copy and paste the following into the new text document:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar\WebBrowser]
3. Save the document as ie8_menubar_above_address.reg.
4. Double-click the new file to merge it into the Registry.
5. Continue through the UAC prompt and confirm that you wish to perform the action.
6. Restart you computer (or simply stop and start Explorer.exe from the Task Manager).

2樓 125.67.138.* 2013-6-5 14:23
3樓 125.67.138.* 2013-6-5 14:23
Posted by Octopus


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