An example of the email the University will send you to confirm that a report has been made to the UKVI can be found below. It will specifically reference the Graduate Route Visa:
You will not receive the above email until after your degree has been officially ratified by the University Senate: This will be significantly LATER than the "course end date" on your CAS/student record This may be significantly AFTER your academic department provisionally confirms your results to you Graduates who are completing their degree normally (e.g. without a period of Academic Extension and after being considered by the normal Exam Board for their cohort), can normally expect reports to be sent to the UKVI as follows:
Undergraduate (Bachelors) Graduates End of July Undergraduate (Bachelors) Graduates with August/September Resits End of October Postgraduate Taught (Masters) Graduates* Mid-December Postgraduate Research (PhD) Graduates* Within 3 weeks of Senate Conferral
*Students in Academic Extension (Masters and PhD students) must verify with their Academic Department whether their degree will be conferred by the University Senate before their Student Visa Expiry Date. If it may not and they still wish to remain eligible for the Graduate Route Visa, such students must make a Student Visa Extension application whilst they still have an academic reason to do so (work still to submit).
The above table is a guide only. In most cases, it will not be to your advantage to apply for a Graduate Route visa significantly prior to your current visa expiry date. However, if you believe your Student Visa will expire before a report to the UKVI is sent, then please see the information on this page about what to do next. You must apply on or before your current Student visa expiry date (however, we do not recommend that you apply on the day your visa expires in case you experience technical issues). Please also see our step-by-step guide to help you complete the application form successfully.
Section 6: What are the application requirements for the Graduate Route Visa?
You must meet the following 3 requirements to apply under this route: However, there is no requirement to show you have a certain amount of money (known as the 'maintenance requirement').
Successful completion requirement:
You must have last been sponsored by a Student sponsor which is a higher education provider with a track record of compliance on the date of application. The University of Warwick is a higher education provider with a track record of compliance.
You must have successfully completed the course of study which was undertaken during your last grant of permission to study on the Student route – in other words, the course for which your most recent CAS was assigned. This means that you must have achieved the award for which your last Student Visa, sponsored by the University of Warwick, was granted, unless one of the following applies:
You have been permitted to change your course of study and did not need to make new visa application You were originally assigned a CAS for a 4-year integrated Masters』 course or PhD and are completing that course early to exit with a lower qualification (this qualification must still be a full degree: Bachelors, Masters or PhD)If you have changed course and obtained a new Student visa you will still be eligible if you successfully complete the course on your new CAS. Your Student Visa sponsor must have notified the Home Office, by the date of your application under the Graduate Route, that you have successfully completed the course of study that your Student Visa was issued for. The University of Warwick will send a report to the UKVI to confirm that you have successfully completed your course of study once your award has been conferred by the University Senate. You will receive a copy of this report by email. You must not make a Graduate Route visa application until you have received this report, or your application will be refused.
Qualification requirement:
You will meet the qualification requirement if you have successfully completed a course of study for which you have been or will be awarded a UK Bachelor』s degree, a UK postgraduate degree (Master's or Doctorate degree), or successfully completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) or Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE).
If the name of your course of study was changed by the Student sponsor, but the course content remained the same, or if an integral and assessed work placement or permitted study abroad programme was added, this will not prevent you from being able to meet the qualification requirement.
The qualification must have been gained during the last grant of permission to study as a Student, or in the period of permission immediately before your last grant of permission, if the last grant of permission was to undertake a role as a Student Union Sabbatical Officer. You will not be eligible to apply if you are awarded a lower qualification, unless the lower qualification is a full degree (e.g. a Bachelors Degree). E.g. you will not be eligible if you exit with a PG Cert, PG Diploma or PG Award upon course completion. Please note, if you decide to challenge the decision of a lower award or academic fail via the University Appeals process, you cannot apply to extend your Student Visa to cover this period. This means that if the outcome of the Appeal is after the date your Student Visa has expired, you will not be able to apply to the Graduate route even if you meet the qualification requirement.