11樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-13 23:46
错了,可以说sth is to the ... of the ...
12樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-13 23:48
书上我只能找到be to the left of
13樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-13 23:49
goes down the tree
14樓 浅风仁樱 2013-5-14 21:25
15樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-14 23:15
Look! Pat can jump!
  Fantasy is a make up story
that could not really happen.
  Will Pat jump?
  遥遥:Maybe he will, He can
ride on frogy's back.
  Main selection: Pam and Sam
  Pam and Sam like to play.
  Pam ran up.
  Sam ran up.
  Pam and Sam ran down.
  Pam can jump.
  Sam can not jump.
  Sam can not go with Pam.
  Look at Sam!
  Sam can fly.
  Go, Pam! Go, Sam!
  Author's Purpose
  Nancy Tafuri wanted to tell a
story about friends.
  Comprehension Ceck
  Use the Retelling Cards to
retell the story.
  Think and Compare
  How do you know Pam and
Sam are good friends?
  遥遥:Because they play
  Read Togeter
  Nonfiction tells about real
people and things.
  Our Best Day
  What day is the best day?
  I like Monday.
  I ride my horse.
  I like Tuesday.
  My neghbor and I play.
  I like Wednesday.
  My family has pizza.
  I like Thursday.
  I help my mom plant.
  My friends and I like Friday.
  What is your bestday?
  遥遥: I like Monday, beacause
it's school day.
  Writting: Write wat you like
to Do
  我帮她写上:I like rabbit.
16樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-16 22:59
Use pattern blocks. Make a pattern. Trace the pattern blocks. Then colorUse pattern blocks. Make a pattern. Trace the pattern blocks. Then color.
17樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-16 23:00
Use pattern blocks. Make a pattern. Trace the pattern blocks. Then color.

18樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-16 23:41
17 comes just before 18. 19 comes just after 18. 18 comes between 17 and 19.Main IdeaI will order numbers.Vocabulary number lineorderbeforeafterbetweenGet Ready19 is one more than 1817 is one more than 18
19樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-16 23:45
Count back. Write the missing numbers


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