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Question from Quora about why SG students may want to study at UCL/LSE/the equiv
項目組長 二十一級
1樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:24
Question from Quora: https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Singaporeans-choose-to-study-at-second-tier-universities-such-as-UCL-or-LSE-instead-of-NUS-SMU-or-NTU

Why do Singaporeans choose to study at second-tier universities such as UCL or LSE instead of NUS, SMU, or NTU?

項目組長 二十一級
2樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:24


Singaporeans may choose to study at second-tier universities like University College London (UCL) or the London School of Economics (LSE) for several reasons:

Global Recognition: While NUS (National University of Singapore), SMU (Singapore Management University), and NTU (Nanyang Technological University) are highly regarded in Asia, institutions like UCL and LSE have a strong global reputation, particularly in specific fields such as economics, social sciences, and humanities.
Specialization: Some students may be drawn to the specialized programs offered by these universities. For example, LSE is renowned for its focus on social sciences, which might attract students interested in economics, politics, or international relations.
Cultural Experience: Studying abroad provides an opportunity for students to experience different cultures and lifestyles. This exposure can be valuable both personally and professionally, enhancing their global perspective.
Networking Opportunities: Second-tier universities often have extensive international alumni networks. Studying at these institutions can provide access to a diverse range of contacts and opportunities in various industries.
Research Opportunities: Some students may seek specific research opportunities or faculty members at these institutions that align with their academic interests, which may not be available at local universities.
Career Prospects: Graduating from a well-known international university can enhance job prospects, especially with multinational companies or in sectors that value international experience.
Personal Preference: Ultimately, individual preferences for the academic environment, teaching style, or campus life can also influence the decision to study abroad.
Perception of Quality: There may be a perception that attending a prestigious international university can confer a status that local universities do not, influencing students’ and parents’ choices.

These factors combined can lead to a preference for studying at second-tier universities abroad, despite the high quality of education available at Singaporean institutions.

項目組長 二十一級
3樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:24


Firstly, by saying that UCL and LSE are 2nd tier universities there is already an inherent bias in the question. However, if you would like to categorize these universities, I would say that UCL and LSE are on par with NUS, while SMU and NTU would be a lower “tier” than the above.

Secondly, the platform in terms of employment will be different when you go to UCL/LSE as compared to in Singapore. Hence, individuals may choose to go to UCL or LSE especially when their field of study will have better chance of employment in the UK. Furthermore, in terms of international reputation UCL/LSE may have an advantage to Singapore Universities.

However, in fields like medicine, staying in Singapore will be the more logical approach since the school fees in the UK will be exorbitantly higher. Of course, there will also be advantages as one would not need to serve a bond in the UK. Ultimately, it depends on how the individual would like to move forward in their careers and their financial status.

Lastly, I would like to add that most individuals who attend UCL/LSE or any other UK universities apply via UCAS before the release of A level results in the 2nd year JC. Hence, it would be a sweeping statement to say that all those who get into Singapore universities are capable of getting into these UK schools. In fact, I know of male seniors who have gotten into NUS and still apply to UCL/LSE during their NS.

(Before anybody says that I am biased or a student of UCL/LSE, I would just like to add that I am currently a JC2 student in Singapore thinking of applying overseas for study and am currently weighing the pros and cons of overseas education.)

項目組長 二十一級
4樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:24


Let me put down some misconceptions in this question here. I would say that in terms of prestige and tier, UCL = LSE = NUS (roughly equal), and NTU, SMU are of a slightly lower tier. That will explain partially why students choose UCL/LSE over NTU and SMU.

Now, as for why choosing UCL/LSE over NUS:

One thing to take note is that UCL and LSE have a better reputation in the West, while NUS has better reputation in the East. This takes account to student’s choice because if you want to work in Europe, why would you choose NUS over LSE/UCL for reasons other than cost? Same thing as if you want to work in Asia, choosing NUS is a better choice.

Secondly, LSE and UCL has some courses that are superior to NUS in terms of quality and ranking, and similarly NUS has some courses that are superior to the two. That should explain some things to you. For example, if you want to study Economics, then LSE is a better choice. If you want to study Computer Science, NUS is better than both.

Thirdly, experience? As a Singaporean, I think that you would love to get out of the small bubble and explore the world, having new experience, know what it’s like to feel the cold and the snow?

項目組長 二十一級
5樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:24

Joseph Hall:

Originally Answered: Why would Singaporeans attend second-tier UK universities such as KCL, LSE, Imperial or Warwick when they all rank lower than NUS and NTU on the QS World University Rankings?

NUS is currently ranked as follows

QS 11th best ( 2021 )

THE 25th best ( 2021 )

USNWR 32nd best ( 2021 )

ARWU 80th best ( 2020 )

Imperial College ranks as follows :

QS 8th best ( 2021 )

THE 11th best ( 2021 )

ARWU 28th best ( 2020 )

It's harder to rank the LSE using these tables since the social sciences is all it does. But in the QS Subject tables it is ranked 2nd best in the world for Economics.

In the UK King's and Warwick are considered to be a peg below Imperial and the LSE.

項目組長 二十一級
6樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:25


Originally Answered: Why do Singaporeans choose to study at second-tier universities such as UCL or LSE instead of NUS/SMU/NTU?

Maybe their parents work for British bosses? Or their grandparents?

Somewhere along the line of the ancestry of Singaporeans is an old man working for a British colonial prick who was probably part of the British upper-class, attended Eton, and brown-nosed their way into Oxford or Cambridge.

This man embodies the British class system in its quintessence.

Some Singaporeans are blind to that.

They associate Britain to power and developed somewhat of a Stockholm Syndrome over the many years of subjugation.

How powerful is Britain today, really?

Singaporeans would be much better off sending their children to China than sending their children to the sinking ship that is Great Britain.

項目組長 二十一級
7樓 發表于:2024-9-3 19:25


Originally Answered: Why do Singaporeans choose to study at second-tier universities such as UCL or LSE instead of NUS/SMU/NTU?

UCL and LSE are definitely (marginally) more prestigious than NUS/SMU/NTU. Whether it is worth more than three times the cost plus living expenses is a huge question mark.

The proposition is different when talking about Oxford and Cambridge, which justifies the spending the same way a Rolex does.

Many of my friends from JC attended UCL and LSE, and the main reason is because they were rejected from the their desired courses at NUS, usually Law or Medicine.

There are those who are studying useless courses such as Psychology or Geography as well, but those are just rich show-offs who were probably rejected from Oxford and Cambridge, but still want to haolian that their parents or their trust funds can afford sending them to study for a useless degree overseas, instead of putting the money to better use.


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