作者共發了7篇帖子。 字體大小:較小 - 100% (默認)▼  內容轉換:不轉換▼
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602 6
一派護法 十九級
1樓 發表于:2016-3-28 19:05


一派護法 十九級
2樓 發表于:2016-3-28 19:08
  LCD_DisplayStringLine_EN_CH(LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"*** 28/03/2016 6:15:01 PM");
一派護法 十九級
3樓 發表于:2016-3-28 19:38
The key is down.
The key is down.
The key is down.
The key is down.
The key is down.
This is a string.
This is a string.
The key is down and the number is 1.
The key is down and the number is 2.
The key is down and the number is 3.
The key is down and the number is 4.
The key is down and the number is 5.
The key is down and the number is 6.
The key is down and the number is 7.
The key is down and the number is 8.
The key is down and the number is 9.
The key is down and the number is 10.
The key is down and the number is 11.
The key is down and the number is 12.
The key is down and the number is 13.
The key is down and the number is 14.
The key is down and the number is 15.
The key is down and the number is 16.
The key is down and the number is 17.
The key is down and the number is 18.

一派護法 十九級
4樓 發表于:2016-3-28 19:38
回復3樓 @巨大八爪鱼 的內容:
The key is down.
The key is down.
The key is down.
The key is down.
The key is down....
void show(void)
    static int a = 1;
    printf("The key is down and the number is %d.\n", a);
一派護法 十九級
5樓 發表于:2016-3-29 23:28
一派護法 十九級
6樓 發表于:2016-3-29 23:29
一派護法 十九級
7樓 發表于:2016-3-29 23:30


用戶名: 您目前是匿名發表


點擊數:602 回複數:6
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最後回復時間:2016-3-29 23:30
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