Now I've been practising speaking English as I am writing PHP codes. |
一派護法 十九級 |
just as what I did when I was revising Chemistry that night.
一派護法 十九級 |
Sometimes I record the sentences I said on this website. just the sentences that I think are important
Anyway, I should spend enough time on spoken English.
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
现在我完全抛开发音问题不管, 现在只管流利度
一派護法 十九級 |
Because I have found a serious problem. Every day I spend less than 5% of time on English. In other words, I spend more than 95% of time on Chinese!
一派護法 十九級 |
回复:5楼 现在根本没人听我说英语。 我必须先学会不写出句子就能流利地说出我想要表达的内容,然后才开始慢慢纠正发音。 不然说句子吞吞吐吐的,根本没法和磁带跟读
一派護法 十九級 |
班上除了我没有一个人要出国,也根本没有练口语的想法。 我的那个想要出国的朋友在9班,和我不在一个班,而且他英语语法很差,无法和我练口语
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
回复:8楼 虽然有时候在QQ上和他聊有时候能看懂,但也有极个别句子他看不懂
一派護法 十九級 |
Then can I go on to say 'Do as you are told' ... "Do as you're told." is mostly what we say. "to" is not necessary. Similar Threads. I'm told.