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Modal Division
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2014-11-3 00:07
In division, 24 divided by 6 equals 4 would be written as shown. The dividend is the number that is being divided. The divisor is the number that divides the dividend. The quotient is the result or answer. Let's try an example.
Find 39 divided by three. First, model the dividend 39. Use 3 tens and 9 ones to show 39. Next, divide the tens. The divisor is three. So divide the tens into 3 equal groups. There is one ten in each group. Finally, divide the ones. Divide the ones into three equal groups. There are one ten and three ones in each group. So 39 divided by 3 equals 13. The quotient is 13.
一派护法 十九级
2楼 发表于:2014-11-3 00:08
24 divided by 6 equals 4 would be written as shown.
It would be written as shown that 24 divided by 6 equals 4.
一派护法 十九级
3楼 发表于:2014-11-3 00:08
和 sum
差 difference
积 product
商 quotient
一派护法 十九级
4楼 发表于:2014-11-3 00:11


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最后回复时间:2014-11-3 00:11
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