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If one day I travel in Argentina, I'll visit the touristy place: La Boca.
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2014-5-25 10:34
I think it's really interesting. It's famous for bright houses and tango, but I have no interest in tango.
一派护法 十九级
2楼 发表于:2014-5-25 10:35
一派护法 十九级
3楼 发表于:2014-5-25 11:20

  Caminito Street is just a few meters from the sea, is pedestrianized and has the cobblestone floor and the famous landscape with colorful walls. The stories say that the walls painted with leftover paint used for boats. The sidewalks are craft stalls and tango-related memorabilia and works of art that were inspired by these landscapes. 
's common to find couples of tango dancers, dressed in dance attire: they with cap and dark suit them with necklines and skirts pit. Invited to dance for tourists in exchange for a few coins (if dollars are better).


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最后回复时间:2014-5-25 11:20
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