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What do you think of Chinese education?
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:22
一派护法 十九级
2楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:24

Chinese culture seems to value education a lot more. It's a "face" thing I believe.  My child did his first three years (grd 1,2,3) in a Taipei International School and when returned to the USA went to 5th grade instead of 4th. Other classmates moving to the USA and Canada also jumped a year but not all.  It was on the strength of their math training which was lined up with the Chinese speaking elementaries in Taiwan. Based on this, I'd say at the elementary level, the Chinese elementaries are ahead.  Also, my child was expected by the school to do homework every day.  Chinese parents complain if there's no homework, even at that level.


By Madmunk

一派护法 十九级
3楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:25
一派护法 十九级
4楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:31


                         Octopus                                       I'm a Chinese student. We are at school from Monday to Saturday.
We are at home only on Saturday every week!

Every day: (time-zone:UTC+7)
Morning 6:10~11:00
Afternoon 1:30~4:45
Evening: 5:20 ~9:00 (Excluding Saturdy but including Sunday)

We go to bet at about 9:30.

一派护法 十九级
5楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:32
China's education system is based primarily on test scores and not on production of thought.  For example, everyone starts to study English in 3rd grade at minimum.  However, since the only method of evaluation for English is written exams, these same students who study for years and years are pretty much unable to string together two sentences.  That's why there is such a demand for oral English teachers . . . these same students who become PhD's end up going to international seminars and are unable to communicate their research to anyone.
一派护法 十九级
6楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:32
重点:China's education system is based primarily on test scores and not on production of thought. 
一派护法 十九级
7楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:33


But I started to study English in 1rd grade

一派护法 十九级
8楼 发表于:2013-6-6 12:33


But I started to study English in 1st grade .


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