今天上午,我开始研究rxdata文件的数据结构 |
一派護法 十九級 |
class Test attr_accessor :param1 end
$ob = Test.new $ob.param1 = "c"; #p $ob
#$file = File.open("object.dat", "wb") #Marshal.dump($ob, $file) #$file.close
$file = File.open("number.dat", "wb")
# 所有的整数数据都以0x040869开头,其中0x69是字符'i',也就是int的首字母 #Marshal.dump(0, $file) # 04 08 69 00 #Marshal.dump(1, $file) # 04 08 69 06, 1 = 0x06 - 0x05 #Marshal.dump(2, $file) # 04 08 69 07, 2 = 0x07 - 0x05 #Marshal.dump(120, $file) # 04 08 69 7D #Marshal.dump(122, $file) # 04 08 69 7F, 122 = 0x7F - 0x05
#Marshal.dump(123, $file) # 04 08 69 01 7B, 123 = 0x7B #Marshal.dump(124, $file) # 04 08 69 01 7C #Marshal.dump(125, $file) # 04 08 69 01 7D #Marshal.dump(255, $file) # 04 08 69 01 FF, 255 = 0xFF #Marshal.dump(256, $file) # 04 08 69 02 00 01, 256 = 0x0100 #Marshal.dump(257, $file) # 04 08 69 02 01 01, 257 = 0x0101 #Marshal.dump(270, $file) # 04 08 69 02 0E 01, 270 = 0x010E #Marshal.dump(0xABCD, $file) # 04 08 69 02 CD AB #Marshal.dump(0xFFFF, $file) # 04 08 69 02 FF FF #Marshal.dump(0x10000, $file) # 04 08 69 03 00 00 01 #Marshal.dump(0xABCDEF, $file) # 04 08 69 03 EF CD AB #Marshal.dump(0xFFFFFF, $file) # 04 08 69 03 FF FF FF
#Marshal.dump(0x1000000, $file) # 04 08 69 04 00 00 00 01 #Marshal.dump(0x2000000, $file) # 04 08 69 04 00 00 00 02 #Marshal.dump(0xFFFFFFF, $file) # 04 08 69 04 FF FF FF 0F #Marshal.dump(0x10000000, $file) # 04 08 69 04 00 00 00 10 #Marshal.dump(0x3FFFFFFF, $file) # 04 08 69 04 FF FF FF 3F
#Marshal.dump(-1, $file) # 04 08 69 FA #Marshal.dump(-2, $file) # 04 08 69 F9 #Marshal.dump(-3, $file) # 04 08 69 F8 #Marshal.dump(-4, $file) # 04 08 69 F7 #Marshal.dump(-5, $file) # 04 08 69 F6 #Marshal.dump(-6, $file) # 04 08 69 F5 #Marshal.dump(-122, $file) # 04 08 69 81 #Marshal.dump(-123, $file) # 04 08 69 80 #Marshal.dump(-124, $file) # 04 08 69 FF 84 #Marshal.dump(-125, $file) # 04 08 69 FF 83
# 从0x40000000开始是long型,也就是1073741824 #Marshal.dump(0x40000000, $file) # 04 08 6C 2B 07 00 00 00 40 #Marshal.dump(0xFFFFFFFF, $file) # 04 08 6C 2B 07 FF FF FF FF #Marshal.dump(0xABCDEF12, $file) # 04 08 6C(l) 2B(+) 07 12 EF CD AB
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
最开头的04 08表示的就是Marshal的版本号4.8
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
static void w_long(long x, struct dump_arg *arg) { char buf[sizeof(long)+1]; int i;
#if SIZEOF_LONG > 4 if (!(RSHIFT(x, 31) == 0 || RSHIFT(x, 31) == -1)) { /* big long does not fit in 4 bytes */ rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "long too big to dump"); } #endif
if (x == 0) { w_byte(0, arg); return; } if (0 < x && x < 123) { w_byte((char)(x + 5), arg); return; } if (-124 < x && x < 0) { w_byte((char)((x - 5)&0xff), arg); return; } for (i=1;i<(int)sizeof(long)+1;i++) { buf[i] = (char)(x & 0xff); x = RSHIFT(x,8); if (x == 0) { buf[0] = i; break; } if (x == -1) { buf[0] = -i; break; } } w_nbyte(buf, i+1, arg); }
一派護法 十九級 |
int RubyMarshal::WriteLong(long num) { char data[sizeof(long) + 1]; int count = 1; int i; if (num == 0) data[0] = 0; else if (num > 0 && num < 123) data[0] = (char)(num + 5); else if (num > -124 && num < 0) data[0] = (char)((num - 5) & 0xff); else { for (i = 1; i < sizeof(long) + 1; i++) { data[i] = (char)(num & 0xff); num >>= 8; if (num == 0) { data[0] = i; break; } else if (num == -1) { data[0] = -i; break; } } count += i; } filestream->write(data, count); return count; }
一派護法 十九級 |
#include "StdAfx.h" #include "RubyMarshal.h"
using namespace std;
RubyMarshal::RubyMarshal(ostream *stream) : filestream(stream) { }
RubyMarshal::~RubyMarshal(void) { }
int RubyMarshal::BeginArray(int length) { filestream->put(TYPE_ARRAY); return WriteLong(length) + 1; }
int RubyMarshal::BeginHash(int length, bool hasDefValue) { if (hasDefValue) filestream->put(TYPE_HASH_DEF); else filestream->put(TYPE_HASH); return WriteLong(length) + 1; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteBool(bool value) { if (value) filestream->put(TYPE_TRUE); else filestream->put(TYPE_FALSE); return 1; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteFixnum(long num) { filestream->put(TYPE_FIXNUM); return WriteLong(num) + 1; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteHeader(void) { char header[] = {MARSHAL_MAJOR, MARSHAL_MINOR}; filestream->write(header, sizeof(header)); return sizeof(header); }
int RubyMarshal::WriteLong(long num) { char data[sizeof(long) + 1]; int count = 1; int i; if (num == 0) data[0] = 0; else if (num > 0 && num < 123) data[0] = (char)(num + 5); else if (num > -124 && num < 0) data[0] = (char)((num - 5) & 0xff); else { for (i = 1; i < sizeof(long) + 1; i++) { data[i] = (char)(num & 0xff); num >>= 8; if (num == 0) { data[0] = i; break; } else if (num == -1) { data[0] = -i; break; } } count += i; } filestream->write(data, count); return count; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteNil(void) { filestream->put(TYPE_NIL); return 1; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteRegexp(char *pStr) { int start = 0, end; int len = strlen(pStr); int count = 2; if (pStr[0] == '/') start = 1; for (end = len - 1; pStr[end] != '/' && end >= 0; end--); if (end <= start) end = len; int regLen = end - start; filestream->put(TYPE_REGEXP); count += WriteLong(regLen); filestream->write(pStr + start, regLen); count += regLen; char flag = 0; for (pStr += end + 1; *pStr != '\0'; pStr++) { switch (*pStr) { case 'i': flag |= ONIG_OPTION_IGNORECASE; break; case 'm': flag |= ONIG_OPTION_MULTILINE; break; case 'x': flag |= ONIG_OPTION_EXTEND; break; } } filestream->put(flag); return count; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteString(char *pStr) { return WriteString(TYPE_STRING, pStr); }
int RubyMarshal::WriteString(char type, char *pStr) { int len = strlen(pStr); filestream->put(type); int count = WriteLong(len); filestream->write(pStr, len); count += len + 1; return count; }
int RubyMarshal::WriteSymbol(char *pStr) { return WriteString(TYPE_SYMBOL, pStr); }
一派護法 十九級 |
#include "stdafx.h" #include "RubyMarshal.h"
using namespace std;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ofstream file("example.rxdata", ios::binary); RubyMarshal rms(&file); rms.WriteHeader(); /*rms.BeginArray(4); rms.WriteFixnum(-23489); rms.WriteString("Do you want anything to drink?\nA cup of milk, please."); rms.BeginArray(4); rms.WriteBool(true); rms.WriteBool(false); rms.WriteNil();*/ cout << rms.WriteRegexp("/^here$/mi") << endl;
/*rms.BeginHash(2); rms.WriteBool(false); rms.WriteString("test"); rms.WriteString("haha"); rms.WriteSymbol("sys");*/
ifstream file2("example.rxdata", ios::binary); char list[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char ch; int i; for (i = 0; ch = file2.get(), !file2.eof(); i++) { cout << list[ch >> 4 & 0x0f] << list[ch & 0x0f] << ' '; if ((i + 1) % 16 == 8) cout << ' '; if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { i = -1; cout << endl; } } cout << endl; file2.close(); system("pause"); return 0; }
一派護法 十九級 |
扩展模块: rms.BeginExtended("Math"); rms.BeginObject("A", 2); rms.BeginMember("b"); rms.WriteString("space"); rms.BeginMember("a"); rms.WriteString("time");
Ruby代码: class A attr_accessor :a attr_accessor :b end
ax = A.new ax.a = "time" ax.b = "space" file = File.open("../extended2.rxdata", "wb") Marshal.dump(ax.extend(Math), file) file.close
一派護法 十九級 |
C++: rms.BeginExtended("Math"); rms.WriteString("rest");
Ruby: "rest".extend(Math)
一派護法 十九級 |
ofstream file("example.rxdata", ios::binary); RubyMarshal rms(&file); rms.WriteHeader(); /*rms.BeginArray(4); rms.WriteFixnum(-23489); rms.WriteString("Do you want anything to drink?\nA cup of milk, please."); rms.BeginHash(2, true); rms.WriteBool(false); rms.WriteString("test"); rms.WriteString("haha"); rms.WriteSymbol("sym"); rms.WriteString("Default Value");
rms.BeginArray(6); rms.WriteBool(true); rms.WriteBool(false); rms.WriteNil(); rms.WriteRegexp("/^here$/mi"); rms.WriteSymbol("sym2"); rms.WriteSymLink(1);*/
/*rms.BeginObject("A", 2); rms.BeginMember("b"); rms.BeginArray(2); rms.WriteModule("Math"); rms.WriteNil(); rms.BeginMember("a"); rms.WriteRegexp("/./im");*/ //rms.WriteClass("A");
/*rms.BeginExtended("Math"); rms.WriteString("rest");*/ /*rms.BeginObject("A", 2); rms.BeginMember("b"); rms.WriteString("space"); rms.BeginMember("a"); rms.WriteString("time");*/ //cout << rms.WriteBignum(-2015104222256789012) << endl; cout << rms.WriteFloat(-3.14159265358979323846) << endl;
ifstream file2("example.rxdata", ios::binary); char list[] = "0123456789ABCDEF"; char ch; int i; for (i = 0; ch = file2.get(), !file2.eof(); i++) { cout << list[ch >> 4 & 0x0f] << list[ch & 0x0f] << ' '; if ((i + 1) % 16 == 8) cout << ' '; if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { i = -1; cout << endl; } } cout << endl; file2.close(); system("pause"); return 0;
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |
發表于: 2016-8-22 23:16