[示例]JavaScript物件導向(面向對象) |
一派護法 十九級 |
HTML頁面: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Object-Oriented JavaScript</title> <script src="Person.js"></script> <script src="Student.js"></script> <script> function main() { Person.showCount(); var person1 = new Person("Alice", "Green"); person1.age = 45; person1.sayHello(); person1.walk(); Person.showCount(); var person2 = new Person("Bob", "Green"); person2.age = 32; person2.sayHello(); person2.walk(); Person.showCount(); var student1 = new Student("Janet", "Green", "Applied Physics"); student1.age = 17; student1.sayHello(); student1.walk(); student1.sayGoodBye(); Person.showCount(); } </script> </head>
<body onload="main()"> </body> </html>
一派護法 十九級 |
Person.js: /* Constructor */ /* 構造函數 */ function Person(firstName, lastName) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; Person.count++; }
/* Properties */ /* 屬性 */ Person.prototype.firstName = ""; Person.prototype.lastName = ""; Person.prototype.age = 0;
/* Methods */ /* 方法 */ Person.prototype.getFullName = function() { var fullName = this.firstName; if (this.lastName != "") { fullName += " " + this.lastName; } return fullName; }
Person.prototype.sayHello = function() { var ageStr = this.age + " year"; if (this.age > 1) { ageStr += "s"; } console.log("Hello, I'm " + this.getFullName() + ".\nI'm " + ageStr + " old now."); }
Person.prototype.walk = function() { console.log(this.getFullName() + " is walking!"); }
/* Static Properties */ /* 靜態屬性 */ Person.count = 0;
/* Static Methods */ /* 靜態方法 */ Person.showCount = function() { if (this.count == 1) { console.log("There is 1 person."); } else if (this.count == 0) { console.log("There are no people."); } else { console.log("There are " + this.count + " people now."); } }
一派護法 十九級 |
Student.js: function Student(firstName, lastName, subject) { Person.call(this, firstName, lastName); // call the parent constructor this.subject = subject; }
Student.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); Student.prototype.constructor = Student;
/* Properties */ Student.prototype.subject = "";
/* Methods */ Student.prototype.sayHello = function() { Person.prototype.sayHello.call(this); // call the parent sayHello() console.log("I'm studying " + this.subject + "."); }
Student.prototype.sayGoodBye = function() { console.log("Goodbye!"); }
一派護法 十九級 |
類的結構相當於: <?php abstract class Person { public static $count; public $firstName; public $lastName; public $age; abstract public static function showCount(); abstract public function getFullName(); abstract public function sayHello(); abstract public function walk(); }
abstract class Student extends Person { public $subject; public function sayHello() { // Override } abstract public function sayGoodBye(); } ?> (以上所有的abstract都是我加上的,否則這個PHP文件就是錯誤的)
一派護法 十九級 |
輸出內容: There are no people. Person.js (line 47)
Hello, I'm Alice Green. I'm 45 years old now.
Person.js (line 30) Alice Green is walking! Person.js (line 34) There is 1 person. Person.js (line 45)
Hello, I'm Bob Green. I'm 32 years old now.
Person.js (line 30) Bob Green is walking! Person.js (line 34) There are 2 people now. Person.js (line 49)
Hello, I'm Janet Green. I'm 17 years old now.
Person.js (line 30) I'm studying Applied Physics. Student.js (line 15) Janet Green is walking! Person.js (line 34) Goodbye! Student.js (line 19) There are 3 people now. Person.js (line 49)
一派護法 十九級 |
一派護法 十九級 |