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一派護法 十九級
1樓 發表于:2013-7-11 11:14


Baochanshan too, said the Mountain, Tang Hui Budo praise their homes starting address Ercu burial; Yi Gu subsequent name, called "praise Zen." This so-called Hui Kong Temple who also praised the cottage mound. Dongwuli from their homes, by the so-called Chinese cave, its name is Yang Huashan also. Hundred steps away from the hole, a monument servant Road, the text diffuse off, alone it is still identifiable Wen said, "Huashan." This word "China" as "Chinese reality" of the "Chinese" who cover the sound absurd too.
Under Pingkuang with spring side out, and remember those who travel very public, so-called former cave. More than five or six from the mountain, there are cave-yao, of course, into the very cold, regardless of their depth, their good tour were not poor also, that after the hole. I owned with four fire to enter, into the deeper, the more difficult it forward, and it can see the more surprising. There are lazy and wish the person, saying: "no, the fire and do." Then associated with it out. Cover I actions, who still can not swim than good eleven, and then depending on its left and right, and those who have come and remember less. Cover its deep, then add it to another small carry on. Party is when the power is still enough to enter, the fire still enough to clear it. Both its out, then those who want out, or blame it, but I also regret it along, and not a very happy husband tour is fun.
So I have sighed Yan. The outlook on the world of the ancients, mountains, vegetation, insects, fish, birds and animals, often you win, its not seek it without deep thinking. Nearly Fu Yi, then travel by the public; dangerous beyond, then to a few. The world of Kiwi, Rose strange, the very concept of insurance is often far away, and the person of the scarce Yan, so non-aspiring not to have. Aspiring men, and not with the order to stop it, then force is insufficient, nor to have. Aspiring and power, with the lazy and do not, as faint dark matter relative to the confusion and no, nor to have. However, powerful enough to Yan, the man can be ridiculed, but in himself to have regrets; Wu Zhi also not to those who can carry on without regret, the practice makes ridiculed the peace? The proceeds of this I have!
I monument at the servant, Youyi Bei Fu classics, what can the future generations of the absurdity of their biography and monensin name who can win Tao He also zai! This so thoughtful and careful scholar can not not take it well.
Four persons: Luling Xiaojun Gui Jun Yu, Changle king back deep Father, I brother An Guoping Father, the placement of the pure parent.
And the first year to July, one day, Wang Linchuan mind.

一派護法 十九級
2樓 發表于:2013-7-11 11:14
褒禅山亦谓地址而卒葬山,唐辉浮图赞美自己的家园开始,以故其后名,被称为“褒禅。”这种所谓的惠寺岗,谁也称赞山寨丘。从他们的家园东五里,所谓中国的洞穴,它的名字是杨华山也。百步之遥的洞,碑仆道,文字扩散,独自一人,它仍然是可辨认温家宝说,“华山”。 “中国现实”的“中国”,谁盖的声音太荒谬的“中国”二字。
一派護法 十九級
3樓 發表于:2013-7-11 11:22


By Google: This so thoughtful and careful scholar can not not take it well.

My translation: This is why researching people can't understand and study in this way without their meaning.

一派護法 十九級
4樓 發表于:2014-2-11 10:41

一派護法 十九級
5樓 發表于:2014-2-11 10:44
君子曰:学不可以已。   青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。木直中绳,輮(左应为“车”,原字已废除)以为轮,其曲中规。虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。
   南方有鸟焉,名曰蒙鸠,以羽为巢,而编之以发,系之苇苕,风至苕折,卵破子死。巢非不完也,所系者然也。西方有木焉,名曰射干,茎长四寸,生于高山之 上,而临百仞之渊,木茎非能长也,所立者然也。蓬生麻中,不扶而直;白沙在涅,与之俱黑。兰槐之根是为芷,其渐之滫,君子不近,庶人不服。其质非不美也, 所渐者然也。故君子居必择乡,游必就士,所以防邪辟而近中正也。
  物类之起,必有所始。荣辱之来,必象其德。肉腐出虫,鱼枯生蠹。怠慢 忘身,祸灾乃作。强自取柱,柔自取束。邪秽在身,怨之所构。施薪若一,火就燥也,平地若一,水就湿也。草木畴生,禽兽群焉,物各从其类也。是故质的张,而 弓矢至焉;林木茂,而斧斤至焉;树成荫,而众鸟息焉。醯酸,而蚋聚焉。故言有招祸也,行有招辱也,君子慎其所立乎!
  积土成山,风雨兴 焉;积水成渊,蛟龙生焉;积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。骐骥一跃,不能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。锲 而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇鳝之穴无可寄托者,用心躁也。
一派護法 十九級
6樓 發表于:2014-2-11 10:44
Gentleman said: science can not have .

Green, taken from blue and green to blue ; ice , whom the cold water in the water . Wood straight in the rope , wheel band ( left should be " car" , the original word repealed ) that wheel in the regulation of its song . Although violence is issued , no longer quite who make wheel band also-ran . Therefore, the line without too carry wood by the cord is straight , then the interest payments on the grind , and the day erudite gentleman had almost Participation province , then Tomoaki .

It is not climbing a mountain , I do not know how high the sky ; without deep river , I do not know how thick the ground ; do not hear the last words of kings , I do not know the big learning also. Dry , Vietnam, razed , raccoon 's son , born simultaneous , long and different customs , religion makes ran. Poem reads: . " .. Sigh Seoul gentleman , no interest Jing Heng Seoul bit of good to listen to God is upright , medium Gyeongbok " God great in gastrointestinal , formoterol no longer a curse .

I tasted all day and thinking men, and not as a moment of learning also ; I tasted foot with six toes and looking men , it is better to see it climb the blog . Climb and strokes, non- extended arm also , and see those far ; downwind and called acoustic non plus disease also, and told of Chang . Yu Ma sham , non- profit foot has caused thousands of miles ; false Vessels , non -energy water , and must rivers . Health is also a non- exclusive gentlemen , good fake to things .

Southern Bird behavior , it is called Monte dove to feather the nest , while the compilation of the offer , the Department of reed sweet potato , sweet potato wind to fold egg broken child died . Nest is also a non- finish , the Department who ran. West wooden Yan , the name Shegan, four-inch stem length , was born on the mountain , and a hundred yards of the Pro Yuan , non- wood stems can grow it , the legislature who ran. Punta raw hemp , no help and straight ; Pak in Nirvana , with all black . Lan Chih Huai is the root , which gradually Respecting Truth , the gentleman does not close , common people against . Its quality is not non- United States also, who are becoming also-ran . A gentleman will choose Township home , will travel on disabilities, but nearly so anti Xiebi CKS also.

From the species , there must be the beginning . The coming of honor , will like its German . Meat rot out insects, fish dry raw beetles . Neglect forget the body, as is the scourge . Hardline , soft self-created bundles. Evil filth in the body, resentment of the structure . Shi salary if a fire on dry also , if a ground water on wet also. Vegetation domains born animal group Yan , things their kind also. Therefore in the quality of the photos , and bows and arrows to Yan ; Mau forest , while the axes to Yan ; tree -lined , and the birds interest Yan . Acyl acid , and gnats poly Yan. There are flies fly made ​​it too , the line also has a trick shame , they stand almost cautious gentleman !

Soil Chengshan , storm Xing Yan ; into deep water , dragon born Yan ; charitable as Germany , and the gods contented , Sacred Heart prepare Yan. It is a short step , a thousand miles ; not small streams into a mighty torrent . Steed leap, not ten steps ; nag 10 drive , power in dismay. Qieer care , deadwood not fold ; perseverance wears away the stone . Earthworm no pawn advantage, strong bones and muscles , the fresh soil of Egypt , under the drinking deaths, heart one also. Six Guier two crab claws, the point of non -snake eel no sustenance , impatient heart also.
一派護法 十九級
7樓 發表于:2014-2-11 10:45

绿色,从蓝色和绿色带到蓝色;冰,其中,冷水在水中。木直中绳,輮(左应该是“汽车” ,原词废除)那个轮子在其歌曲的调控。虽然发出暴力,不再挺谁使轮带然也。因此,在不通过电源线过矣木线是直的,然后在研磨的利息支付,而这一天博学君子几乎参与省,然后知明。

这不是爬山,我不知道有多高的天空,没有深溪,不知有多厚地;没有听到国王的最后一句话,我不知道大的学习也。干,越南,夷,貉之子,出生同时,长和不同的风俗习惯,宗教信仰,使运行的时间。诗曰: “ ......唉尔君子,良好的倾听上帝没有兴趣晶恒尔位是直立,中等景福”伟大的上帝在胃肠道,福莫特罗不再是一个诅咒。




一派護法 十九級
8樓 發表于:2014-2-11 10:46
Primary and large left

一派護法 十九級
12樓 發表于:2014-7-27 16:15


Primary school and big lost


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