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華威大學離散數學學士課程(三年BSc/四年一貫制MEng Discrete Mathematics)介紹
项目副经理 二十三级
1楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:47

Our distinctive combination of computer science and mathematics, taught by world-leading academics in the Department of Computer Science and Warwick Mathematics Institute, provides an ideal basis for careers at the forefront of mathematical science.

项目副经理 二十三级
2楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:47
Our Discrete Mathematics degree is unique in the UK, focusing on the study of the mathematical structures commonly employed in the foundations of computing and modern applications. The course is taught jointly by the Department of Computer Science and the Warwick Mathematics Institute, making it the ideal choice for exceptional mathematicians with the desire to solve real-world problems. The course is taught from first principles, which means you do not need to have prior knowledge of computer science or programming before you arrive. Our only requirements are that you have a strong background in mathematics and the desire to succeed - our commitment to teaching excellence and stimulating academic community will do the rest.
项目副经理 二十三级
3楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:47
Course Content

Warwick is home to the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, a multidisciplinary research centre for discrete modelling, algorithmic analysis and combinatorial optimisation. This means that you will be working alongside scientists at the centre of the latest research breakthroughs.

You will acquire skills in mathematics and computer science, including those in software engineering, combinatorial analysis, formal proof and algorithmic analysis. These skills will enable you to both analyse and solve problems in an abstract sense, and realise solutions through computer software. These abilities, alongside transferable skills in communication, planning and self-organisation, make our graduates highly employable.

项目副经理 二十三级
4楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:48
Our Modules Taught page provide full details of every module we teach.


You should feel free to explore these pages to gain an understanding of what we teach, the skills our students develop and the opportunities our courses create.

项目副经理 二十三级
5楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:48
Year 1

establishes the foundations of Discrete Mathematics and its applications, covering proofs, formal arguments, and calculations, as well as mathematical reasoning, combinatorial analysis and discrete structures. This is complemented by the development of technical skills in computer programming, data structure design and algorithm analysis.

Year 2

develops your understanding of the theoretical underpinning of discrete mathematics, preparing you for later specialisation through the study of areas such as algorithm design, mathematical statistics, graph theory and combinatorics. You will also have the opportunity to tailor your degree to your interests through optional modules in mathematics and computer science.

Year 3

exposes you to cutting-edge topics at the interface of computer science and mathematics. You will complete an individual project, where you will apply your skills to an area of your choice under the supervision of our world-leading academics. Alongside your project, you will select from an extensive range of modules in computer science and mathematics, including those in areas such as complexity, numerical analysis, measure theory and algebraic topology.

项目副经理 二十三级
6楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:48

Download our brochure to find out more about studying in the Department of Computer Science [https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/dcs/admissions/undergraduate/departmentofcs_2025_brochure_v1.pdf]

项目副经理 二十三级
7楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:49
Study for a BSc or MEng

Our four-year MEng degree provides greater breadth and depth of coverage than a three-year BSc, producing exceptionally employable graduates that can take an active role in shaping the future of their discipline.

Year 4 propels you to the forefront of mathematics and computer science through the study of research-active material in mathematics and computer science. In particular, you will develop expertise in areas such as algorithmic game theory, stochastic analysis and algebraic geometry, as well as having the option to develop advanced technical skills in areas such as computer security and data analytics.

Regardless of whether you are admitted onto the BSc or MEng course, you have the option to transfer between the two variants until the end of your second year (subject to UK visa regulations). You will need to achieve a high 2:1 (65% or more) in your second year to proceed on the MEng course.

项目副经理 二十三级
8楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:49
Spend a Year in Industry or Studying Abroad

The option of spending a year in industry or studying abroad is available to all students. Regardless of whether you decide to take a year away, there are ample opportunities to gain experience through internships during summer vacations, ensuring you have the chance to apply your knowledge and skills. Please note that spending a year studying abroad or working overseas is subject to relevant visa regulations.

项目副经理 二十三级
9楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:49

UCAS Code: G190 (BSc), G4G3 (MEng)

All applicants for our Discrete Mathematics course will be required to take the TMUA admissions test, except for applicants who are eligible for a Contextual Offer. Please see our Discrete Mathematics admissions pages (BSc, MEng) for more details.

项目副经理 二十三级
10楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:49
Typical Offer

A-level: A*A*A including an A* in Mathematics

Contextual Offer: A*AA including an A* in Mathematics

IB: 39 with 7,6,6 in three Higher Level subjects including 7 in Higher Level Mathematics ('Analysis and Approaches' only)

项目副经理 二十三级
11楼 发表于:2025-3-10 18:49


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