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Spanish Grammar For Dummies 的Introduction
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:56

When you’re learning your first language, you don’t need to know much about grammar to speak correctly. Assuming you grew up around people who spoke proper English, you instinctively acquired the ability to express yourself appropriately. When you’re picking up a second language, like Spanish, however, grammar is essential, especially if you want to say something more than¡Hola!and¡Muchas gracias!After all, grammar is the structure on which you hang the words you want to say:
Grammar + Vocabulary = Ability to Communicate
If you know the grammatical rules and your vocabulary, you can say and understand just about anything, including both questions and statements. In addition, you can communicate more creatively, expressing exactly what you want to say rather than just reciting an expression you memorized.
Although grammar may sound boring, it’s actually what makes Spanish fun and exciting. When you begin to think — and even dream — in Spani

一派护法 十九级
2楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:56
sh, you’ll see what I mean.
About This Book
Each chapter ofSpanish Grammar For Dummiestackles a specific Spanish grammar topic, explaining it in detail, providing plenty of examples, and giving you plenty of practice exercises to help you put that particular topic to use. At the end of each chapter is an answer key that allows you to check your work.
The book starts you off with the basics — nouns and verbs — so you can figure out how to compose simple sentences in the present tense right away. Each chapter then explains how to embellish your simple sentences with additional details, including adverbs, prepositional phrases, and different verb conjugations.
You don’t have to read this book from cover to cover (although I would love it if you did!); you can simply read the sections or chapters that interest you the most.
Conventions Used in This Book

一派护法 十九级
5楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:57
I’ve used the following conventions to make navigating this book a little easier:
[图片]Spanish words and sentences appear inboldfaceto make them stand out.
[图片]English equivalents, set initalics, follow the Spanish words and sentences.
[图片]When translating Spanish expressions, I usually present the English equivalent, which isn’t always the literal translation. For example, you can translate the Spanish phrasede nadaliterally asof nothing, but in English, the equivalent isyou’re welcome(as inthink nothing of it). This book usually gives theyou’re welcometranslation.
[图片]At the end of every chapter is an answer key that provides the correct answers to all the questions in the practice exercises in that chapter.
To make verbs and their many uses stand out, I present verb conjugations in tables like this:

一派护法 十九级
6楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:57
cantar(to sing)
Note that the Spanish verb and its English translation are at the top followed by six verb forms that vary according to who or what is performing the action:I; you(singular, informal);he, she,andyou(singular, formal);we; you(plural, informal); andtheyandyou(plural, formal).
One more note: With the exception of Chapter 2 (which is all about sounding out Spanish words), this book doesn’t feature pronunciations after

一派护法 十九级
7楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:57
Spanish text. Instead, it focuses on grammar and written communication. Feel free to use a Spanish dictionary for any pronunciation questions you may have.
What You’re Not to Read
Of course, I’d like to think you’re going to read every word in this book, but that may not be the practical option or even the best approach in your case. If you’re short on time or you have a few grammatical areas that you know you need more help with, feel free to skip around to the stuff that interests you most.
As you read, you can safely skip the exercise examples. If the exercise seems obvious to you, don’t waste your time checking out the examples before you dive into the exercise questions themselves. Along the same lines, if I present several examples to illustrate a particular grammar rule and you understand the rule after reading the first example, don’t bother with the rest of them.
Foolish Assumptions

一派护法 十九级
8楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:57
When writing this book, I made the following assumptions about you:
[图片]You already have a background in Spanish and may even be able to carry on a conversation, but you want to be able to communicate more creatively, especially in writing. (If you’re a rank beginner, I suggest you start withSpanish For Dummies,2nd Edition, written by yours truly and published by Wiley.)
[图片]You want to practice everything you learn so you can be sure you’ve “got it” and will retain your newly acquired knowledge.
[图片]You love Spanish (like I do!) and find grammar fascinating . . . okay, that may be pushing it just a little.
How This Book Is Organized
Spanish Grammar For Dummiesis divided into six parts. The following sections introduce the parts and describe the contents of each one.
Part I: Starting with the Basics

一派护法 十九级
9楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:57
This part is for beginners or for those of you who need a brief refresher on the basics before you dive into any heavy-duty grammar. Here you find a brief overview of Spanish grammar; discover how to pronounce Spanish words so you can sound like you know what you’re doing; find out how to deal with the whole number/gender thing with nouns, articles, and adjectives; practice counting and telling time; and brush up on dates, days of the week, and months of the year.
If you already know this stuff, feel free to use these chapters as confidence boosters to build the momentum you need to tackle the more challenging Spanish grammar topics I cover in the rest of this book.
Part II: Constructing Simple Sentences  and Asking Questions
Grammar is all about stringing words together to form sentences that make sense. The  most basic sentences consist of a subject and a verb in the present tense; for example,Ella camina(She walks). In this part, you find out how to put together a subject and a verb to express yourself with simple sentences and how to use pronouns in place of nouns. You also figure out how to use the present tense and the present progressive tense and how to a

一派护法 十九级
10楼 发表于:2015-2-7 18:57
sk questions so you can find out what else you need to know.
Part III: Beefing Up Your Sentences  with More Description
In this part, I explain how to make sentences more descriptive by adding adverbs, prepositional phrases, and other parts of speech. You also discover how to use the reflexive to describe actions performed on oneself; employ the passive voice to stress the action instead of the doer of the action; make comparisons; and add negative words to completely change the meaning of a sentence.
Part IV: Talking about the Past or Future
Spanish has fourteen verb tenses broken down into seven simple and seven complex tenses. Fortunately for you, this book focuses on verb tenses you’re likely to use on a daily basis: the present, preterit (past), imperfect (past but ongoing or repeated), and future. While Part II covers conjugating verbs in the present tense, this part covers the preterit, imperfect, and future.
As a bonus, I explain how to use the helping verbhaberto transform the


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