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Today's dialogue practice
一派护法 十九级
1楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:09
May I speak to David?
Could I speak to David?
This is David speaking.
What's up? = What's the matter?
What are you going to do next Sunday?
Nothing much. (nothing to do)
Shall we go to the zoo?
There's a dolphin show.
The dolphin show is very interesting, isn't it? Yes.
Shall we go somewhere? Good idea.
No, let's....
一派护法 十九级
2楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:13
Hello! May I speak to David?
Hi! David. This is Lin Tao speaking.
Hi, Lin Tao! What's up?
What are you going to do next Sunday?
Nothing much. Do you have any ideas?
Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there's a dolphin show there.
A dolphin show? Good idea! How can I get there?
By bus or by bike.
OK, let's go by bike. When shall we meet?
What about a quarter past ten?
Why not meet a little earlier? Let's make it at half past nine.
Good! No problem.
Where shall we meet there?
Let's meet outside the zoo gate.
All right. See you then.
一派护法 十九级
3楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:14
Dialogues are very important in our daily life. So we should learn to make conversations.
一派护法 十九级
4楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:25
Shall we meet inside the zoo?
No, let's meet outside the zoo.
Shall we go and play football?
No, let's finish our homework.
Shall we leave at a quarter past ten?
No, let's leave at a quarter to.
Shall we come back at five?
No, let's come back a little earlier.
Shall we have supper at six? (The u in sup-per is pronounced the same as that in bug)
No, let's make it half past.
Shall we go and see the monkeys?
Good idea.
一派护法 十九级
5楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:33
She likes English very much.
She likes English much.
She likes English more     than me.
She likes English (the) most.
She should like English more.
She should speak English more.
She should speak English more frequently.
一派护法 十九级
6楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:34
stereo /'sterɪəʊ/
一派护法 十九级
7楼 发表于:2014-10-5 16:45
I read your book. Do you really think dinosaurs turned into birds and that’s where they all want? They sure don’t look like birds to me. I heard that there was this meteor hit the Earth someplace down in Mexico and made this big crater. Whichever one you are. Then I read about this thing in Omni. About this meteor making all this heat and it made a bunch of diamond dust. And that changed the weather, and they died because of the weather. And then my teacher tells me about this other book by a guy named Bakker, and he says …
She said I should rid with you because it would be good for you.


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最后回复时间:2014-10-5 16:45
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