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List of Kevine subdivisions by GDP, population and GDP per capita (2016)
Stanley 十四級
1樓 發表于:2018-7-21 21:37

Subdivision population District GDP (USD) GDP per capita(USD)
1 Josephville 2,521,521 179,783,984,367 71,300 (County, the capital of Kevin)
-  Kevin 17,358,568 498,510,210,071 28,718
2 Argyll 957,686 22,487,659,038 23,481 (County)    
3 Duc de Bourbon 2,676,250 59,127,063,549 22,093 (County)    
4 Duke Wellington 1,567,189 34,452,785,096 21,984 (County)    
5 Marche 2,116,324 45,764,230,198 21,624 (County)    
6 New Territories 1,974,576 42,459,854,017 21,503 (County)    
7 Queen Victoria 1,081,762 23,029,584,314 21,289 (County)    
8 Nathan 1,349,678 28,573,196,420 21,170 (County)    
9 Prince Albert 3,113,582 62,831,853,072 20,180 (County)    
Stanley 十四級
2樓 發表于:2018-7-21 21:47

Kevin is a relatively wealthy nation, although wealth in this country has been distributed rather unevenly. Josephville, the capital enjoyed approximately 150% more GDP per capita than that nationwide in 2016, while other counties had (and have) considerably less GDP per capita than that nationwide (let alone that of Josephville). 

Thanks to economic stagnation in this country in recent 10 years - particularly 2007-2008, 2011 and 2015-2016 recessions, crimes have been climbing, with certain types of violent crimes sky-rocketing e.g. homicide having almost quadrupled from 2013 to 2016 (342 to 1,341 by counts).


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作者: Revive_ctg
最後回復時間:2018-7-21 21:47
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