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If you study grammer, you won't speak well.
一派護法 十九級
1樓 發表于:2013-6-29 17:11

In all, studying grammar will NOT make you fluent, especially you want to reach a conversational level.
一派護法 十九級
2樓 發表于:2013-6-29 17:11

However, Chinese students study English by studying grammer.
一派護法 十九級
3樓 發表于:2013-6-29 17:12



一派護法 十九級
4樓 發表于:2013-6-29 17:13

On the 1st floor, change "in all" to "All in all"
一派護法 十九級
5樓 發表于:2013-6-29 17:15

Grammar is not the goal.
For most people, the goal is not to become a grammar expert—the goal is to be able to speak Spanish conversationally. To do that, you need a complete conversation course.
Camino del éxito is the only course that is fully integrated with the material on this website. By combining Spanish grammar exercises with real conversational practice, you will much more quickly reach a level where you can communicate effectively.
And for most people, communication is the primary goal.

高級架構工程師 十八級
6樓 發表于:2013-6-29 17:43


Although grammar is important,we should consider communication to be the purpose to learn a language.


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作者: 巨大八爪鱼
最後回復時間:2013-6-29 17:43
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