1樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:32
The fox is left to the stone.
The grass is below the flag.
The sun is in front of the clouds.
2樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:32
大于是be greater than
3樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:42
Twenty is 11 more than 9.
4樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:43
It's three cubes long.
5樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:47
Bus 1 leaves at half past 3.
The hour hand is on 3.
Or say it points to 3.
6樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:47
30 minutes after 5.
7樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:49
minute hand
that points to the hour
8樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-12 23:49
points to the minutes
9樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-13 23:08
be left to
不是to the left of!
10樓 巨大八爪鱼 2013-5-13 23:09
同样的be up to


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