OCTOPUS 新發表主題1篇 12-31 【倒计时】2012年倒计时! - 灌水吧 回復(12) -
OCTOPUS 新發表主題1篇 12-3 I like December. - December吧 回復(6) -
OCTOPUS 新發表主題2篇 11-27 I should backup databases of the Arslanbar now. - octopus en吧 回復(1) I've already finished homework of this weekend. - octopus en吧 回復(0) -
OCTOPUS 新發表主題1篇 11-19 There's some other math homework that hasn't been - octopus en吧 回復(0) -
OCTOPUS 新發表主題1篇 11-19 I should sleep because it is eleven o'clock now. - octopus en吧 回復(0)