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Polishing Silver
六年级 十级
1楼 发表于:2013-5-30 23:48
I could be like a


all the way from heaven

into a magpie's nest,

only to place my powdered cheek

gently upon his hairy chest.

I could be his Maiden Marianne

gift-wrapped in cloak and silken hood,

oh, a robin-redbreast


high up in the tree-tops ...-

of his mo(u)rning wood.

I need, I need a silver-furred

a sugar sugar-daddy-bear,

someone who loves

the front of me,

who likes to pay and loves to care.

A frizzly ursus,

strong but cute,

adorable in leather, denim or tweed-suit.

I'd polish silver, 'cause I long to be spooned

on the dark, dark side of the palest moon ...

Mandrake grows beneath the gallows

in the shape of the one thing that you should never swallow.

I know, he may look like the cutest thing you've ever seen

but, Honey,

we just don't know

where this old thing of his had been ...

I almost had a secret love affair

with a dead boy's underwear.

I nicked it from the montuary,

but the damn thing

was far too small for me.

That's why each time I hear the postman ring,

I can't help wondering

what he might bring.

Oh, will he have something for me,

and, if so,

I wonder ...

how large will his package be?

The chimney-sweep, the chimney-sweep,

he came at two o'clock,

I showed him where the furnace was,

and he showed me his cock.

He wore a bomber-jacket, black,

but his hair-cut was crap,

it took him rather long to finish his annual check ...

A sylvan stronghold

for the golden child,

built and looked after

by heart bequiled.

A guard, a servant

and a loyal king,

a winter-garden

and a thermal-spring ...

I need, I need a silver-furred

a sugar sugar-daddy-bear,

someone who loves

the front of me,

who likes to pay and loves to care.

A frizzly ursus,

strong but cute,

adorable in leather, denim or tweed-suit.

I'd polish silver, 'cause I long to be spooned

on the dark, dark side of the palest moon ...


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